A Full Music Catalog. For Streamers. For Free

MusicSync will let you play a full music catalog for chat. The service isn't live yet, but the first phases are outlined below. You can watch me build it on stream.

Drop your email here to get on the launch invite list:

    Welcome To MusicSync

    Hi there, I'm Alan and I stream on Twitch as TheIdOfAlan.

    The first thing I discovered when I started streaming is that playing music from personal playlists will get you a copyright strike.

    I use the various stream safe music services like everyone else. They're okay, but not what I want. What I want is to play music from my playlists. So, I'm building this site to make that happen.


    MusicSync is different type of music service. Instead of playing music over your stream, you log in and start your playlists here. When you do, a custom web page is automatically generated for your chat. When they open it, the system syncs things up so they're listening to the same songs as you at the same time.

    With this setup, we can play a full catalog of music without getting copyright strikes on our streams.

    It would be amazing if we could play our own music directly on stream. Until then, MusicSync can fill the void.

    How it works

    You can't stream most music without a license. So, MusicSync takes a different approach. Instead of streaming, MusicSync embeds song videos from YouTube in a way the complies with their requirements. When you play a song on your MusicSync page, the sync technology kicks in. When someone in chat opens your page they'll start at the same place in the same song and stay synced for as long as you're listening.


    MusicSync is a free service for streamers on YouTube and Twitch.

    Building Phase 1 - Basic Setup

    This phase is all about getting up and running. It's where we are right now. The key milestones are:

    • [x] - Launch the home page
    • [x] - Create login functionality
    • [x] - Create logout functionality
    • [x] - Build genre feed
    • [x] - Build playlist feed
    • [x] - Stub streamer music pages
    • [x] - Provide playlist selection
    • [x] - Provide song selection
    • [x] - Build the song player switcher
    • [x] - Build raw sync feed
    • [x] - Build the chat viewer page
    • [x] - Build the OBS browser source sync widget
    • [x] - Build the chat sync widget
    • [ ] - Test hard coded version of the site
    • [ ] - Send the site out to folks to start using it

    A more complete TODO list is here

    Building Phase 2 - Single page view

    The way the first phase works, chat will have to open two browser tabs. One for your stream and one for MusicSync. Not to bad on a computer but not an option on lots of phones.

    This phase is to build a single page for each streamer that embeds your stream as well as the music so chat only has to visit one page.

    Building Phase 3 - Song Search and Custom Playlists

    Music from the first two phases will come from pre-built playlists. Once those foundations are in place, we'll add in the ability to search for songs and to create your own custom playlists.

    If you're interested, drop your email and I'll add you to the launch invite list.